Event Group Details

Gamma-ray burst, Event Group ID 158825

Telescope(s) SWIFT
Trig ID 1205110
Recieved (UTC) 2023-12-28 08:58:11
Earliest Event Observed (UTC) 2023-12-28 08:55:51
Latest Event Observed (UTC) 2023-12-28 08:55:51
Best Right Acension 20:01:23.256
Best Declination 35:08:13.92
Best Position Error (°) 0.0

Proposal Decisions

Decision ID Proposal Telsecope Proposal ID Decision Decision Reason Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°)
32945 MWA_VCS test2_neutrino Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32944 ATCA ATCA_HESS_GRBs Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32943 ATCA ATCA_long_GRB Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: The Events declination (35.1379) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -10) or limit 2 (-90 < dec < -10). Event ID 482828: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32942 ATCA ATCA_short_GRB Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: The Events declination (35.1379) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -5) or limit 2 (5 < dec < 20). Event ID 482828: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32941 MWA_VCS MWA_VCS_GRB_swif Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. Event ID 482828: No event duration (None) so not triggering. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32940 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_NSBH Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
32939 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_BNS Ignored Event ID 482828: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 482828: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014


Event ID Source Type Telescope Event Type Event Time (UTC) Recieved (UTC) Trig ID Source Name Sequence number Classification Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°) Fermi Detection Probability (%) SWIFT Rate Significance (sigma)
482852 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 09:13:10 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482850 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 09:08:52 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482848 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 09:06:23 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482847 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_Image 2023-12-28 09:01:14 2023-12-28 09:06:07 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.824 35:07:59.88 0.0
482846 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Image 2023-12-28 09:01:14 2023-12-28 09:05:52 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.824 35:07:59.88 0.0
482844 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_SrcList 2023-12-28 09:01:14 2023-12-28 09:05:02 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.824 35:07:59.88 0.0
482843 GRB SWIFT UVOT_SrcList 2023-12-28 09:01:14 2023-12-28 09:04:54 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.824 35:07:59.88 0.0
482842 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2023-12-28 08:58:30 2023-12-28 09:04:42 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.824 35:07:59.16 0.0
482841 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_Image 2023-12-28 08:58:36 2023-12-28 09:03:22 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.04 35:08:00.96 0.0
482840 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Image 2023-12-28 08:58:36 2023-12-28 09:03:13 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.04 35:08:00.96 0.0
482839 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_SrcList 2023-12-28 08:58:36 2023-12-28 09:01:55 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.04 35:08:00.96 0.0
482838 GRB SWIFT UVOT_SrcList 2023-12-28 08:58:36 2023-12-28 09:01:40 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.04 35:08:00.96 0.0
482837 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 09:01:01 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482836 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 09:00:53 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482835 GRB SWIFT XRT_Lightcurve 2023-12-28 08:58:29 2023-12-28 09:00:25 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.68 35:07:58.08 0.0
482832 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2023-12-28 08:58:29 2023-12-28 08:59:18 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.872 35:07:58.8 0.0
482831 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2023-12-28 08:58:29 2023-12-28 08:59:18 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:22.872 35:07:58.8 0.0
482830 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Image 2023-12-28 08:58:26 2023-12-28 08:59:18 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0
482829 GRB SWIFT XRT_Image 2023-12-28 08:58:26 2023-12-28 08:59:17 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0
482828 GRB SWIFT XRT_Pos 2023-12-28 08:58:26 2023-12-28 08:58:51 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:16.248 35:08:16.44 0.0014
482827 GRB SWIFT SC_Slew 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 08:58:32 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482826 GRB SWIFT FOM_Obs 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 08:58:25 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.0
482825 GRB SWIFT BAT_GRB_Pos SWIFT lost star tracker 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 08:58:13 1205110 GRB 231228 128.0 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.05 0.0
482824 GRB SWIFT BAT_QuickLook_Pos 2023-12-28 08:55:51 2023-12-28 08:58:11 1205110 GRB 231228 20:01:23.256 35:08:13.92 0.05