Event Group Details

Gamma-ray burst, Event Group ID 160593

Telescope(s) SWIFT
Trig ID 1212791
Recieved (UTC) 2024-02-03 19:25:16
Earliest Event Observed (UTC) 2024-02-03 19:22:55
Latest Event Observed (UTC) 2024-02-03 19:22:55
Best Right Acension 20:00:35.304
Best Declination 35:10:33.24
Best Position Error (°) 0.0

Proposal Decisions

Decision ID Proposal Telsecope Proposal ID Decision Decision Reason Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°)
38699 MWA_VCS test2_neutrino Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38698 ATCA ATCA_HESS_GRBs Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38697 ATCA ATCA_long_GRB Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: The Events declination (35.1915) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -10) or limit 2 (-90 < dec < -10). Event ID 493545: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38696 ATCA ATCA_short_GRB Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: The Events declination (35.1915) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -5) or limit 2 (5 < dec < 20). Event ID 493545: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38695 MWA_VCS MWA_VCS_GRB_swif Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. Event ID 493545: No event duration (None) so not triggering. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38694 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_NSBH Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
38693 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_BNS Ignored Event ID 493545: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 493545: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014


Event ID Source Type Telescope Event Type Event Time (UTC) Recieved (UTC) Trig ID Source Name Sequence number Classification Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°) Fermi Detection Probability (%) SWIFT Rate Significance (sigma)
493835 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-04 15:26:24 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493566 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2024-02-03 19:26:19 2024-02-03 19:43:56 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.448 35:10:36.48 0.0
493565 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2024-02-03 19:26:19 2024-02-03 19:43:48 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.448 35:10:36.48 0.0
493564 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_Image 2024-02-03 19:37:16 2024-02-03 19:41:44 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.4 35:10:35.76 0.0
493563 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Image 2024-02-03 19:37:16 2024-02-03 19:41:32 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.4 35:10:35.76 0.0
493562 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_SrcList 2024-02-03 19:37:16 2024-02-03 19:41:22 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.4 35:10:35.76 0.0
493561 GRB SWIFT UVOT_SrcList 2024-02-03 19:37:16 2024-02-03 19:41:09 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.4 35:10:35.76 0.0
493560 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:40:18 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493559 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:36:09 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493558 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:33:14 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493557 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_Image 2024-02-03 19:26:24 2024-02-03 19:32:32 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.896 35:10:33.6 0.0
493556 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Image 2024-02-03 19:26:24 2024-02-03 19:32:16 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.896 35:10:33.6 0.0
493555 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_SrcList 2024-02-03 19:26:24 2024-02-03 19:30:53 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.896 35:10:33.6 0.0
493554 GRB SWIFT UVOT_SrcList 2024-02-03 19:26:24 2024-02-03 19:30:39 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.896 35:10:33.6 0.0
493553 GRB SWIFT XRT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:26:18 2024-02-03 19:28:12 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.424 35:10:38.28 0.0
493552 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:28:00 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493551 GRB SWIFT BAT_Lightcurve 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:27:48 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493550 GRB SWIFT Actual_Point_Dir 2024-02-03 19:26:50 2024-02-03 19:27:05 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.232 35:10:34.32 0.0
493549 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2024-02-03 19:26:18 2024-02-03 19:27:05 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.944 35:10:34.68 0.0
493548 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2024-02-03 19:26:18 2024-02-03 19:27:05 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:34.944 35:10:34.68 0.0
493547 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Image 2024-02-03 19:26:15 2024-02-03 19:27:05 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0
493546 GRB SWIFT XRT_Image 2024-02-03 19:26:15 2024-02-03 19:27:05 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0
493545 GRB SWIFT XRT_Pos 2024-02-03 19:26:15 2024-02-03 19:26:36 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:40.632 35:11:29.4 0.0014
493544 GRB SWIFT SC_Slew 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:25:37 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493543 GRB SWIFT FOM_Obs 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:25:30 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.0
493542 GRB SWIFT BAT_GRB_Pos SWIFT lost star tracker 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:25:17 1212791 GRB 240203 128.0 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.05 0.0
493541 GRB SWIFT BAT_QuickLook_Pos 2024-02-03 19:22:55 2024-02-03 19:25:16 1212791 GRB 240203 20:00:35.304 35:10:33.24 0.05