Event Group Details

Gamma-ray burst, Event Group ID 162339

Telescope(s) SWIFT
Trig ID 1218416
Recieved (UTC) 2024-03-02 22:54:14
Earliest Event Observed (UTC) 2024-03-02 22:52:53
Latest Event Observed (UTC) 2024-03-02 22:52:53
Best Right Acension 19:57:19.608
Best Declination 36:36:57.24
Best Position Error (°) 0.0

Proposal Decisions

Decision ID Proposal Telsecope Proposal ID Decision Decision Reason Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°)
44082 MWA_VCS test2_neutrino Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44081 ATCA ATCA_HESS_GRBs Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44080 ATCA ATCA_long_GRB Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: The Events declination (36.6871) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -10) or limit 2 (-90 < dec < -10). Event ID 503420: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44079 ATCA ATCA_short_GRB Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: The Events declination (36.6871) is outside limit 1 (-90 < dec < -5) or limit 2 (5 < dec < 20). Event ID 503420: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44078 MWA_VCS MWA_VCS_GRB_swif Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: No probability metric given so assume it is a GRB. Event ID 503420: No event duration (None) so not triggering. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44077 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_NSBH Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
44076 MWA_VCS MWA_GW_BNS Ignored Event ID 503420: Beginning event analysis. Event ID 503420: This proposal does not trigger on events from SWIFT. None 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013


Event ID Source Type Telescope Event Type Event Time (UTC) Recieved (UTC) Trig ID Source Name Sequence number Classification Duration (s) RA (HH:MM:SS) Dec (DD:MM:SS) Position Error (°) Fermi Detection Probability (%) SWIFT Rate Significance (sigma)
503451 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 23:04:07 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.608 36:36:57.24 0.0
503443 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_SPER 2024-03-02 22:55:39 2024-03-02 23:02:18 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.68 36:36:55.44 0.0
503441 GRB SWIFT XRT_SPER 2024-03-02 22:55:39 2024-03-02 23:02:17 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.68 36:36:55.44 0.0
503434 GRB SWIFT XRT_Lightcurve 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 23:00:35 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.248 36:36:58.68 0.0
503433 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_Image 2024-03-02 22:52:55 2024-03-02 22:59:50 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.464 36:37:00.84 0.0
503432 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Image 2024-03-02 22:52:55 2024-03-02 22:59:37 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.464 36:37:00.84 0.0
503431 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_SPER 2024-03-02 22:53:01 2024-03-02 22:58:30 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.224 36:36:58.68 0.0
503430 GRB SWIFT XRT_SPER 2024-03-02 22:53:01 2024-03-02 22:58:23 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.224 36:36:58.68 0.0
503429 GRB SWIFT UVOT_Proc_SrcList 2024-03-02 22:52:55 2024-03-02 22:58:20 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.464 36:37:00.84 0.0
503428 GRB SWIFT UVOT_SrcList 2024-03-02 22:52:55 2024-03-02 22:58:12 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.464 36:37:00.84 0.0
503427 GRB SWIFT Actual_Point_Dir 2024-03-02 22:53:18 2024-03-02 22:55:58 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.296 36:36:54 0.0
503426 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 22:55:56 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.608 36:36:57.24 0.0
503425 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 22:55:53 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.608 36:36:57.24 0.0
503424 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Spec 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 22:55:39 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.416 36:37:00.84 0.0
503423 GRB SWIFT XRT_Spec 2024-03-02 22:52:53 2024-03-02 22:55:39 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:19.416 36:37:00.84 0.0
503422 GRB SWIFT XRT_Proc_Image 2024-03-02 22:52:48 2024-03-02 22:55:38 1218416 GRB 240302 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0
503421 GRB SWIFT XRT_Image 2024-03-02 22:52:48 2024-03-02 22:55:38 1218416 GRB 240302 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0
503420 GRB SWIFT XRT_Pos 2024-03-02 22:52:48 2024-03-02 22:55:12 1218416 GRB 240302 19:56:44.304 36:41:13.56 0.0013
503418 GRB SWIFT SC_Slew 2024-03-02 22:49:34 2024-03-02 22:54:35 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:17.832 36:37:10.92 0.0
503417 GRB SWIFT FOM_Obs 2024-03-02 22:49:34 2024-03-02 22:54:28 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:17.832 36:37:10.92 0.0
503416 GRB SWIFT BAT_GRB_Pos SWIFT lost star tracker 2024-03-02 22:49:34 2024-03-02 22:54:15 1218416 GRB 240302 112.0 19:57:17.832 36:37:10.92 0.05 0.0
503415 GRB SWIFT BAT_QuickLook_Pos 2024-03-02 22:49:34 2024-03-02 22:54:14 1218416 GRB 240302 19:57:17.832 36:37:10.92 0.05