Proposal Decision Path

Proposal ATCA_short_GRB Decision Flow Chart

Proposal Description: ATCA triggers on Swift short GRBs

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flowchart TD A(Event) --> B{"Have we observed this event before?"} B --> |YES| D{"Is the new event further away than the repointing limit (0.02 degrees)?"} D --> |YES| R(Repoint) D --> |NO| END(Ignore) B --> |NO| C{Is Event from SWIFT?} C --> |NO| END C --> |YES| E{Source type?} E --> F[GRB] F --> J{"Fermi GRB probability > 50.0\nor\nSWIFT Rate_signif > 0.0 sigma"} J --> |YES| K{"Event duration between 0.256 and 1.024 s"} J --> |NO| END K --> |YES| L[Trigger Observation] K --> |NO| M{"Event duration between 1.025 and 2.056 s or 0.0 and 0.255 s"} M --> |YES| N[Pending a human's decision] M --> |NO| END subgraph GRB J K L M N end style N fill:orange,color:white E --> G[Flare Star] --> END E --> I[Neutrino] --> END E --> H[GW] --> END style A fill:blue,color:white style END fill:red,color:white style L fill:green,color:white style R fill:#21B6A8,color:white